Manager agent
CENTURY 21 Lafage transactions offers to you, Owner-Landlord, the whole range of personalized service accompanied by well-defined obligations.
Fair rental value. To help you find out the rental value of your property and find a tenant in the shortest time possible, CENTURY 21 Lafage transactions has worked out a Comparative Market Analysis, a method for accurate assessment based on thorough and precise knowledge of the local real estate market.
Revenue and security guaranteed. Your Property Manager CENTURY 21 Lafage transactions undertakes to effect a comprehensive analysis of various potential tenants (stability, solvency), ensure collection and transfer of rental payments and preserves the past-due payments for you contributing to their refund.
Tranquility contract. The rental payments due, property damage, disputes with tenant – these are all real risks you might confront. You can protect yourself using our guarantee on non-paid rentals.
Your partner for any operation. Contract editing to guarantee the interests of each party, information on rights and obligations, regular technical control – your counselor CENTURY 21 Lafage transactions remains at your disposal all along your lease. Increased value. Profitability analysis, value enhancement proposals, financing and tax advice, new placements..., Property Manager CENTURY 21 Lafage transactions offers you personalized service permitting to increase the value of your property.
Effective means of communication. Outdoor sign plate on your property, press advertisement, Agency window advertising, Internet website...
CENTURY 21 Network uses various means of communication to facilitate promotion and renting out of your property.
Integrity and power of the national and international Network will work to diffuse your offer. Through the VIP Recommendation System ® created by CENTURY 21 Network, you’ll benefit from the integrity and power of a truly international Network consolidating more than 8400 Agencies all over the world, out of which more than 950 in France. Entrusted to a Professional, - CENTURY 21, - your leasing offer shall be accessible to anyone looking for a property to rent, in France or any other country covered by CENTURY 21 Network.
Reputation that increases the value of the managed property. Being Number One on the real estate services market, CENTURY 21 Network has become your efficient agent in managing your leased property.
Entrusting real estate property management
There are various ways of asking oneself for a reason to address a professional property manager. You should also consider advantages and disadvantages of self-maintained management.
Without an intermediary, there are no management fees and no rental transfer timeframe. It might even seem reassuring to choose the tenant directly.
Nevertheless, there are important issues to consider:
- Compilation of a candidate’s dossier and verification of its elements
- Property visits
- Verification of the condition of the property
- Direct management of potential conflicts
- Documents editing
- Declaring real estate revenues
- Management of repair works
- Management of unpaid rentals...