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Nice-born Bolongaro makes a career in the art world as a free electron. A former businessman, today he dares show his personal universe and creation at  last.  Welcome  to  a  humorous  and man of conviction’s world.
Brought up in an artistic environment as well as a business one, he  soon  develops  his  talents.  At  the age of 6, he draws his first work and sells it! The artist and the businessman reveal themselves. An  art  enthusiast,  brilliant  and  endearing,  he  soon becomes Arman and Sosno’s  protégé,  two  tops of Ecole de Nice members. They’re going to write a beautiful story together of positive healthy competition. One day, Arman told him: “Say what you want to do and we’ll do it together”.
Today, Stéphane  is  recognized  for  his  Totor, a merry Jack Russel striking a pose. In 2002, unconventional and fun, Totor’s creator starts showing a piece of polyester sculpture of a pair of legs because, according to him, part of a woman remains unattainable. In 2003 he works on “Aliens”, little green men with a tinge of humour. Captivated by Artificial Intelligence, he also works on robots.
In 2015, he chooses his mother’s dog as a model,
a Jack Russel with “very impressive eyes”.
Bolongaro doesn’t do things by half and he allows himself to be guided by instinct. Fascinated by the States, he lives partly in Nice and partly in Miami. One of his Totor stands on North Miami Beach To meet Totor, you only need to wander across Nice. Place du Commandant Gérôme, he waves to car drivers, at the Central  Station,  he  waits  for an imaginary train  holding  his  luggage  of  course. In the entrance hall of Hôpital Lenval, wearing the cape of Superman he keeps watch over sick children.
A man of principle with a big heart, he is dead set    on sharing his vision of art with  the  young.  He  is one of the few artists who  visit  school  and  give  time to pass on their knowledge. He invites school children in his studio to initiate them to his trade, which of course enthrals the kids.
Bolongaro has also written Totor’s adventures,   a   comic   book   in   two   volumes   both    serious and fun. We recommend you get them!

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